Welcome & hello!

I’m Emily!…the creator, author, and voice behind figureskatingETC.com. I'm a high school student living in New Jersey and I’ve been a figure skater since I was six years old. I always had a love of learning, taking on risks, enjoying new adventures, and being challenged. For me, skating definitely meets all these attributes which is why I work so hard, sacrifice countless hours practicing, and remain passionate and dedicated to the sport.

Figure skating has taught me valuable life lessons and skills and provided me with truly amazing memorable experiences. Skating is never boring because there are endless things to learn and once you finally master a skill and move, there's always something else new to learn and practice. I find skating thrilling and deeply satisfying especially when I perfect a difficult jump or master a complicated dance move after putting much blood, sweat, and tears into learning the elements.

Skating has opened a world of new opportunities, allowing me to make a lasting and valuable impact on myself, my peers, and my community. I'm always seeking new ways to make a difference with my love for skating. For the past years, I have been a basic skills and ice dance coach and also work as a Learn-to-Skate instructor for my local rink.  I find teaching extremely rewarding as I can play a vital role in the development of future skaters.  My skating endeavors have long-ranging and sustainable influence on others and I continue to strive to make positive and meaningful contributions to something greater than myself.

Writing is also another big passion of mine. Ever since I was young, I would lock myself in my room and devote hours to writing stories- crafting intricate plots and themes, gathering and researching ideas, and creating interesting and complex characters.  I also enjoy writing poems, short plays, and have kept a personal journal and even tried my hand at writing song lyrics. Writing is an escape for me, allowing me to create my own fictional world that constantly changes with my imagination and creativity. I have always had a curious and inquisitive mind leading to my earnest desire to learn new things. My love for writing grows everyday as I continue to express, explore, and discover myself.

That's where the 'ETC' in my blog name comes into play as I not only write about basic skating information but want to offer some of my writing that I've been working on from time to time. 

Oh, another interesting tidbit about 'ETC' is that the letters are the initials of my name :)

Thanks for visiting & reading my blog!