Avoid Summer Slump

Everyone looks forward to the summer but have you heard of the summer slump or summer slide? We all know it’s important to keep our child’s mind sharp and staying physically active by encouraging to learn new skills. Besides academic summer programs, have you considered signing up for basic skills skating camp and/or clinics and seminars? Skating is a great way to beat the summer heat!

The summer Learn-to-Skate programs are much more flexible in their fees and schedules given vacation times and other summer activities. There’s also less skaters on the ice so the group classes are not as crowded. In fact, I have only 2 students in my classes this summer and they’re basically getting private lessons for the price of group classes..what a deal!

Summer clinics and seminars are another great way to further improve your skating skills. This year, my skating club is offering a 5-week clinic (Jul 11 - Aug 22) with coach Steven Rice, a national-level coach and 6-time national competitor and a former Star of Ice Capades. The clinic covers jump training incl take-offs, rotations, and landings, and spin training focused on multiple spin variations. Also there will be an info session on the IJS judging system to help skaters and parents better understand how a skater is judged and learn to maximize the most points for a program. For more information, please check out the detailed schedule http://www.gardenstatesc.org/seminars-clinics/. Non-members are welcome.

Summer is a great training time to spend additional time practicing and mastering your skills. There’s much more ice time in summer so take advantage of it.

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