In addition to the many health benefits of skating, (pls see my published Jan 2019 article,, another important aspect of the sport is its impact on one’s social skills. Skating is a great way to meet new people and make new friends. If you visit a public open skate session, you never fail to see people of all ages laughing and having fun together. Those who attend group classes or camp are participating among a community of individuals who all share the same passion. With this common interest, many end up building lifelong friendships that extend beyond the rink.
Today was my last day volunteering at Figure Skating in Harlem. During my short time with the program, I had an incredibly rewarding experience and made so many wonderful new friends. In particular, Leah, a 9-yr old girl in my class, quickly bonded with me. She was fascinated by my Asian eyes and hair and how young I was to be a skating instructor. Her questions about my background (where I lived, how many siblings I have, my relationship status, etc) made me double over with laughter. The minute I stepped on the ice, she immediately greeted me with a huge hug greatly warmed my heart. I will miss Leah and all my summer campers. While I’m sad that I won’t be able to see and continue working with these wonderful young children during the school year, I look forward to my time with them next summer and am excited to make many more new friendships. I hope I made a small difference in some of the kids’ lives as they have enriched mine in so many ways.
Check out my friends’ Summer Dreams Camp video -
Figure Skating in Harlem